Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Backseat Drivers Paint

 14 years from now we should be scared, very scared for who is going to be out on the road...but for now, they make great painters! This class, which has evolved to be mostly boys, needed a little help getting into their painting. They tend to be stingy with their paint and rarely make any sort of mess. So I decided to try something to make them come out of their artistic shells. We took some matchbox cars, and with a little demo on how to 'drive' them through a palette of tempera they went to town. I gave my youngest artistic a toy tractor that was a little bit easier for her to handle and had some really nice treads on the wheels to make interesting prints. This would be really fun to do on a looooonngggg sheet of paper, maybe even taped up on the wall in a hallway.

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